Thursday 18 July 2024

Battle joined - the 4th 40K Warhammer Game.

 Hi...Yet another win for the Blue Angels Space Marines with 7 casualties to the Chaos Legions 19.

Overview of the small game.

Chaos Legion in the foreground.

Space Marine Terminator Captain.

An enjoyable game with an outcome that was unpredictable.

Until next update- stay well- cheers. KEV.

Sunday 14 July 2024

The DREADNOUGHTS Fight it out.

 Hi...This Dreadnought Battle was yet again a win for the Space Marines.

The Dreadnoughts of the Blue Angels.

The Dreadnoughts of the Chaos Legion.

Chaos Legion Dreadnoughts all knocked out in five moves.

                                    The Space Marine Dreadnoughts didn't take much damage.

Until next installment of my WARHAMMER 40K Games- stay well- best wishes. KEV.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Space Marine COMMAND Figures.

Hi...I thought to post up some of my Blue Angels Chapter Command figures.


Space Marine SERGEANT.

Space Marine TERMINATOR Lieutenant.

Space Marine CAPTAIN.

Generally I have at least one Leader figure per unit of ten Marines.

Until Later. Best Wishes. KEV.

Wednesday 10 July 2024


 Hi... The third battle ended up with an all in Melee - with the Space Marine Dreadnoughts winning.

Melee is joined by the Space Marine and Chaos Legion Dreadnoughts.

First casualty is a Space Marine Dreadnought.

As fighting continues - combat becomes two on one.

The sole surviving Chaos Dreadnought becomes a casualty,

The winning Space Marine Dreadnought. Five Dreadnoughts were knocked out leaving just one.
Well pleased with my Melee Rules.
Until next installment - Best Wishes. KEV.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Dreadnought Battle number two.

 Hi... I Played out another Dreadnought battle with Chaos defeated yet again.

The Dreadnoughts of the Blue Angel Space Marines.

The Dreadnoughts of the Death Reapers Chaos Legion.

Red Three of the Chaos Legion destroyed with six hits - the other Chaos Dreadnoughts soon followed.

Best Wishes. KEV.

Friday 5 July 2024

The DREADNOUGHTS first Battle.

 Hi...This evening I pitched the Space Marine Dreadnoughts against the Chaos Legion's Dreadnoughts. The small battle lasted about five turns with the Chaos Dreadnoughts loosing the fight.

The Space Marine Dreadnoughts.

The Chaos Legion Dreadnoughts.

Ground view of the Blue Angel Dreadnoughts.

Ground view of the Death Reapers Dreadnoughts.

Two Chaos Dreadnoughts knocked out with six hits apiece.

The victorious Blue Angel Dreadnoughts.

Well- that is my report on the Dreadnought battle - hope to do some more games later. Cheers. KEV.

Monday 1 July 2024


Hi...I've been assembling Citadel Dreadnought kits - three in silver for the Chaos Legion and three in blue for the Space Marines. It has proved to be an expensive layout with each kit costing $125 - however in the end well worth the expenditure as the Dreadnoughts are great kits.

More news on the Dreadnoughts later on.
Cheers. KEV.