Friday 5 July 2024

The DREADNOUGHTS first Battle.

 Hi...This evening I pitched the Space Marine Dreadnoughts against the Chaos Legion's Dreadnoughts. The small battle lasted about five turns with the Chaos Dreadnoughts loosing the fight.

The Space Marine Dreadnoughts.

The Chaos Legion Dreadnoughts.

Ground view of the Blue Angel Dreadnoughts.

Ground view of the Death Reapers Dreadnoughts.

Two Chaos Dreadnoughts knocked out with six hits apiece.

The victorious Blue Angel Dreadnoughts.

Well- that is my report on the Dreadnought battle - hope to do some more games later. Cheers. KEV.

Monday 1 July 2024


Hi...I've been assembling Citadel Dreadnought kits - three in silver for the Chaos Legion and three in blue for the Space Marines. It has proved to be an expensive layout with each kit costing $125 - however in the end well worth the expenditure as the Dreadnoughts are great kits.

More news on the Dreadnoughts later on.
Cheers. KEV.