Monday, 24 March 2025

Jim HEDIGER's Ohio Southern HO Scale Layout.

When I purchased the July 1978 issue of Model Railroader I was instantly impressed by Jim Hediger's OHIO SOUTHERN layout. I like everything about Jim's layout - I like the idea of a point to point model where trains have a final destination- it really works on large layouts. I certainly liked the colorful DT&I engines and rolling stock - as well Jim's use of HO Preisier miniature figures to tell the story really it is marvelous- I hope to do the same, only I'll be using NOCH workman figures.

 The July 1978 issue of Model Railroader.

I always have thought if ever I built a large scale layout I'd certainly model it on similar lines to Jim's OHIO SOUTHERN. However the decades have past and I have not aspired to building a proper HO layout- lack of space for the model and lack of funds conspired to prevent me from starting out. I have however throughout the years purchased engines and rolling stock - never getting any further.

Part of Jim's earlier Ohio Southern Layouts showing a DT&I Freight Train.
I really like the GP diesel and caboose.

Jim Hediger (RIP July 2023).
Jim is credited with building the first HO Double Deck layout.

Well Friends that is my update.
Best Wishes. KEV.


Sunday, 23 March 2025


 Hi...Well the model Railroad bug has visited me once again- I've decided to order a US GP7 Santa Fe model as well as a SF Caboose and some HO NOCH Worker figures.

                                                                                                                                   The GP7 by ATLAS in HO scale.

The Santa Fe Caboose.

NOCH - Worker Figures.

Initially I'll only be trying to set up a small display with the GP7 - later I may decide to build a Layout as funds allow for the purchase of Track and Transformer.

All the Best. KEV.

Friday, 21 March 2025

Sci-Fi ...2nd GZG Skirmish.

 I used my Star Wars Rules for this game with the New Anglian Confederation (NAC) victorious over the Alien Kravak - who had over 50% casualties and failed their morale.

Troopers of the NAC.

The NAC contingent.

Really enjoying these games- with more to do later.

All the Best. KEV.

SCI- Fi Skirmish Game.

 I decided to use my Ground Zero Games troops pitching the New Anglian Confederation against the Alien 'Kravak'. My rules are not the best as it was easy to score hits and rather difficult to roll a Save. I need to update the rules. As it turned out both sides failed their morale and nether side won the skirmish.


                                                                             The NAC.

The Kravak Aliens.

Well- I hope to do other games with updated rules.

All the best. KEV.

Friday, 14 March 2025

STAR WARS - The Second Battle.

 This morning I pitched the STORMTROOPERS against the REBELS - in the end it was a REBEL win.

The REBELS led by Han Solo.

The Melee underway.

Towards the end of the Melee - Darth Vader had become a casualty and the Stormtroopers failed their morale requiring a two turn fall back and the battle lost.

Really enjoyed this small skirmish - the rules I wrote are just about right now and need no further changes.

All the Best. KEV.

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

STAR WARS - A little Game.

 This morning I played a small skirmish between the Stormtroopers and Rebels.

Overview of Battle Area.

The STORMTROOPERS led by Darth Vader.

The REBELS led by Hans Solo.

With the STORMTROOPERS reduced to ten figures - failed morale and lost the battle.

The REBELS only had five casualties- firing was at long range.

                 Close up of the REBELS showing Hans Solo, Chewy, Luke, Leah, R2D2 and CP3O.

I really enjoyed this little battle - soon to be followed by another.

All the Best. KEV.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

SCI-FI ..New Project underway.

 Hi...I'll be doing a small Sci-Fi Project using Ground Zero Games 25mm miniatures.

I'm very fond of these 25mm figures and I especially like the NAC (New Anglian Confederation) Startroopers. It will take some time for the project to eventuate as the figure order is coming form the UK.

All the best. KEV.