Sunday 27 October 2024

The U.S.S. Enterprise.

 It has been since 1966 that Matt Jefferies designed the ENTERPRISE NCC- 1701. Even today the ship holds it's own being an iconic part of STAR TREK.

Stay well. Cheers. KEV.

Wednesday 23 October 2024

U.S.S. ENTERPRISE - Bridge Model.

I purchased a 1/32nd model kit of the Enterprise Bridge. I'm hoping that the kit will help me to scale up the Bridge to 1/14th to suit the Playmates 5" Star Trek figures. I'll multiply the 1/32nd kit pieces by a Factor of 2.3 to bring it all to 1/14th scale. I intend to only build a partial model to be able to place the finished model into my Display Cabinet in my Study- Computer Room.

1/32nd Enterprise Bridge model completed.

The AMT Enterprise Bridge kit.

Many years ago I did build an entire 1/14th Bridge and rather foolishly sold it to a Friend.
Well- that is about it for this evening.
Best Wishes. KEV.

Sunday 20 October 2024

STAR TREK- Miniature Starship Battles.

I've conducted five star ship battles pitching the U.S.S. Enterprise against the Klingon Cruiser. The Enterprise had won all five games - with the Klingon Cruiser coming close by reducing the Enterprise Shields down to a very low level.

The two ships together for size.


KLINGON Cruiser.

Well- thanks for viewing. Stay Well. KEV.


Wednesday 16 October 2024

STAR TREK- Playmates Classic Set Arrives.

 Hi...My Playmates CLASSIC SET of Star Trek figures arrived yesterday after waiting sixteen days postage from Ohio USA. The figures of Captain James T. Kirk and his crew are just fabulous- they are very detailed and accurate.

Captain Kirk, First Officer Spock, Dr McCoy, Mr Scott - the Engineer.

The full set of seven Star Trek figures by Playmates.

Well- that is my news for today.
Stay well Friends. KEV.

Monday 14 October 2024


Hi...I've decided to collect Britains Farm Toys once again. My first purchase however this time is not Britains - it is a 1/32nd VOLVO Tractor model made by YAXON.  

The VOLVO Tractor model is very nice and it is also rare and collectible.

I've purchased a packet of Britains Sheep- they are great toys for sure.

I've also purchased some Britains Cows.
I'm particularly interested in the Farmer figure- I intend to carve away the walking stick and add full length trousers with 'Green Stuff' and re-paint the figure.

I've purchased this Britains OAK Tree model.
I intend to make up a small Farm on my Study Cabinet shelf- must have trees.

Well- that is my news for Monday night.
Stay well Friends. KEV.

Friday 11 October 2024

STAR TREK - Miniture StarShip Battles.

 Yesterday I had four star ship battles with the ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 and the Klingon Cruiser. The Enterprise has Phasers and Photon Torpedoes and the Klingon ship - blasters. The Enterprise won all four games using my second version of the rules I wrote.

The ships measure 4.5" long.

Best Wishes. KEV.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

STAR TREK- Display of TOS Starships.

 Hi...Thought to show my Playmates ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 and Klingon ships. The Enterprise model is very nice and also features sound effects and lighting. Today I'll be having a Game with my smaller 4.5" ships-the Enterprise NCC-1701 versus the Klingon Cruiser. I wrote my own rules- we'll see how they go.

Well- that is my news for this evening- stay tuned for further STAR TREK updates. Cheers. KEV.