When I purchased the July 1978 issue of Model Railroader I was instantly impressed by Jim Hediger's OHIO SOUTHERN layout. I like everything about Jim's layout - I like the idea of a point to point model where trains have a final destination- it really works on large layouts. I certainly liked the colorful DT&I engines and rolling stock - as well Jim's use of HO Preisier miniature figures to tell the story really it is marvelous- I hope to do the same, only I'll be using NOCH workman figures.
The July 1978 issue of Model Railroader.
I always have thought if ever I built a large scale layout I'd certainly model it on similar lines to Jim's OHIO SOUTHERN. However the decades have past and I have not aspired to building a proper HO layout- lack of space for the model and lack of funds conspired to prevent me from starting out. I have however throughout the years purchased engines and rolling stock - never getting any further.