Sunday 26 May 2024

WARHAMMER 40K - Buildings.

 Hi...I've ordered a batch of 40K Ruined Buildings from California (USA). I'm very pleased about obtaining the models as Citadel do not make their buildings anymore- would have been nice -so now I need to substitute other ranges instead.

The number of buildings should be enough for my Warhammer 40K Games.

I've decided to do 40K with obtaining Space Marines - I have two batches of 10 Space Marines and 5 Terminator Space Marines- a good little force. I've done a similar contingent with the Chaos Marines.
I'll be writing my own 40K Rules and they should play out all-right.

Stay well my Friends. Cheers. KEV.


  1. I really like those buildings. Hope they look just as good in person!

  2. Hi MARI- Still waiting after 20 days for the models to arrive- I'll do a simple paint job.KEV.
