Tuesday, 31 December 2024

The Waiting Game.

 Hi...I've been waiting on the delivery of 3PO - so far it has been thirty one days since ordering from the US- I've recently had an item sent from the UK which only took 13 days - I don't really need anything at the moment though I vow not to order from the US again - it takes an unacceptable amount of time for things to arrive. Hopefully the 3PO figure will arrive soon.


The 25mm figure of 3PO is terrific and it will finish of my collection of Hero Characters.

Stay well my friends. Cheers. KEV.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

STAR WARS- 25mm Miniature Troops.

I have painted up my STORMTROOPERS and REBEL Troops. I'm very pleased with how they look. I hope to build up the numbers to 10 figures per unit. Still waiting on figure orders from the US.

The REBEL Troops.


Well that is about it for this update.
Stay well my friends. Cheers. KEV.


Thursday, 19 December 2024

STAR WARS- Newly Painted Characters.

I've painted up the first batch of 25mm figures- I couldn't sleep this morning and started painting around 4:00am - by 6  I had the eight figures all lacquered.

Darth Vader, a Stormtrooper and the dastardly Boba Fet.

All eight figures painted and matt lacquered.

Han Solo, Chewy, Princess Leah, Luke Skywalker and R2D2.

I'm very pleased with how the figures turned out- though a bit annoyed because the postage from the US is so slow- at present I'm up to three weeks waiting for the remaining figures- which contain C3PO.

Well that is my update.
Best Wishes. KEV.


Tuesday, 17 December 2024


 Hi...This evening I wrote my own set of STAR WARS Rules. I had an existing set of Sci-Fi rules that I wrote several months ago and it was easy to modify them for STAR WARS.

Rebel 25mm Leaders.
I still await the delivery of my STAR WARS figures from the US.
So far it has been eighteen days waiting hope that the figures arrive soon.

All the best. KEV.

Friday, 13 December 2024

STAR WARS - New Models.

I've added to my Star Wars Buildings by making some more from plastic containers, lids and cardboard. Also my Millenium Falcon model arrived yesterday.


The new model Buildings.

Well folks that is about it for this update.
Best Wishes. KEV.


Saturday, 7 December 2024

STAR WARS - Rebel Ship.

I've ordered a MILLENIUM FALCON Rebel Ship model. The Ship model is approximately 12 inches in length - to which I'm hoping that it will suit my 25mm Star Wars figures. The model ship should be here in about a week or two - hopefully by then I'll have some 25mm Star Wars figures delivered from the US. The front extension of the model is removable.


Han Solo's MILLENIUM Falcon.

Well that is about it for this update.
Regards. KEV.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

STAR WARS- Model Buildings.

Last night I made some STAR WARS Model Buildings from plastic containers, lids and cardboard.

I hope to make some more buildings when I obtain some other plastic containers.

I've ordered more STAR WARS West End 25mm figures. Hopefully the figures won't take that long to arrive from the US.

Well- that is my update for the moment.
Best Wishes. KEV.


Monday, 2 December 2024

STAR WARS - Figures on Order.

 Hi...I've recently ordered some STAR WARS miniatures as made by West End Games.

This set is particularly interesting- Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Chewy, Han Solo, Princess Leah, Luke Skywalker and the droid R2-D2.

I'm hoping to build up my funds to order some more Rebels and Stormtroopers.

Best Wishes. KEV.