Saturday, 15 March 2025


 I've ordered some Pirates from the Foundry (UK). The idea is to pitch the Pirates of Long John Silver against those of Blackbeard. There will only be small bands of Pirates- enough for a small skirmish game.

The Pirates of Blackbeard.

The Pirates of Long John Silver.

I'm really looking forward to painting up the Pirates.
I may order some more Pirates later on- we will see how the first batch goes.

All the Best. KEV.


  1. Nice! I can see you building a nice pirate ship deck area, to skirmish on, Kev! I will be interested to see how you represent sword fights - I have a nascent Three Musketeers collection (plus the Border Reivers) but I have never found a simple but good/fun way to simulate close quarter battle with an edged weapon in skirmish scale!

  2. I like this - it's going to be fun!

  3. Those are nice figures, full of character
