Sunday, 23 January 2022


Hi....To increase my knowledge of STINGRAY I've ordered some new books. The first is an ANNUAL.

I've owned this 1993 Annual many years ago and now look forward to enjoying it again. Just love the cover with the Terror Fish taking a pot shot at Stingray and missing-  also the Artwork including the Captain Troy Tempest and WASP crew - and the dastardly 'Titan' and 'Aquaphibian'.
The second book I've ordered is about all the Collectables related to all the Gerry Anderson TV Shows- I'd imagine that this book by Rob Burman will include the 1964 Stingray collectables.
Well that is my news for tonight.
Very much enjoying STINGRAY.
Until later- Cheers. KEV.


Tuesday, 18 January 2022


 Hi....Over the past few days I've been thinking about STINGRAY - the 1960s TV Show by Gerry Anderson as my new Project. I've ordered a book from the UK.

The STINGRAY book by Dave Rogers I've had before- some years ago - it'll be good to re-read it as I recall it is full of great information and many photos. I also have the full series of STINGRAY on DVD and although I've watched all episodes some time ago -I will certainly enjoy watching them again.

I've ordered a STINGRAY Toy as made by Matchbox from Bristol (UK)- I've had this toy before and very much look forward to having the STINGRAY Toy again. The Toy isn't exactly to scale though it has a certain charm and appeal about it.

When I was a youngster in early Primary School my friend Paul Phibbs who lived nearby to our home owned a STINGRAY Toy - as made by LINCOLN- it was battery powered and it has always stuck in my mind that the Toy was very different and appealing- I liked the look of the STINGRAY submarine. I knew nothing of the TV Stingray Show at that time when visiting Paul- as we didn't own a TV until much much later.
Well that is my news for tonight.
I'm Very much looking forward to enjoying STINGRAY.
Until later. Cheers. KEV.