Wednesday 15 November 2023

The 11th TARDIS Console Room Playset.

 Hi...Last week I took delivery of the 11th Doctor WHO Tardis Console Playset. It is a very nice model which takes about an hour to assemble.

The 11th TARDIS Console Playset,

The Console in my Display Cabinet.

Detail of the Console Control Pedistal.

The Console is very detailed.
I saw a clip on U-Tube where a chap modified the model by fitting Lighting.
The small Christmas Tree - Battery Operated Lights looked terrific.
I'm really pleased with the Console Room model.

The 11th Doctor- as played by Matt Smith.

Well that is my news for tonight- 
I've been without Internet these past seven days due to a storm and lightning strike- I lost the Land Line Phone, Internet Connection, Computer Modem, Computer Monitor- luckily the Computer Tower survived the power surge. I now have a new Modem and Monitor Screen - all working now- I'll install a Power Protector Board.
Regards. KEV.


  1. Glad you got things working again!
    I love your Tardis - very cool!

    1. Thanks MARI- glad you like the 11th Tardis Console Playset- it is a great addition to my Doctor WHO collection. Yes, it is good to have the Internet back now- all working excellently. Regards. KEV.

  2. Glad to hear your up and running again - we depend so much on technology nowadays , we find it shocking to be without it.

    1. Hi TONY- yes, certainly it was difficult to go without the Internet for seven days- no eMails, Internet Banking and Blogging...all restored now and I'm feeling more relaxed. Cheers. KEV.

  3. Great looking addition to your Dr Who collection, Kev. We lost a brand-new TV once to a lightning strike - bought surge protectors a couple of days later!

    1. Hi KIETH- I'm very pleased you like the latest addition of the TARDIS Console Playset to my 5.5 inch Collection of Figures- it is a great model for sure. Yes, having a Power Surge Board is a must- ours cost $99 which is good value considering that it would cost $1000 to replace my ACER Computer Tower....well worth it. Regards. KEV.
