Monday 6 November 2023

The 1st Doctor WHO.

Hi...Today I received my 1st Doctor WHO TARDIS- it is a terrific model and I'd like to show it to you.

The 1st Doctor and his time travelling Companion- Ian Chesterton.

The 1st Doctor as played by William Hartnell.

Companion- Ian Chesterton.

The 1st Doctor.

The era of the 1st Doctor WHO was produced in 1963 - we didn't have a TV until around 1970 and I tended to miss out on the first Doctor WHO Series.
The Figures by Character Options are superb- so accurate in detail- I'm very pleased indeed.

Well- that is my news for tonight.
Best Wishes. KEV.


  1. Kev,

    It looks as if your collection will be just about complete for the 60th anniversary of the first broadcast on 23rd November.

    All the best,


    1. Hi BOB,
      Yes, things are going along perfectly with the Collection of Doctor WHO - and yes, it is a good way the celebrate the 60th anniversary in making such a complete collection of the Character Options Doctor WHO 5.5 inch figures. Stay well there in London. Cheers. KEV.

  2. My favorite Doctors were the first and second. I liked that they were imperfect and very 'human' despite being aliens.

    1. Yes, the 1st and 2nd Doctors are timeless- I tended to watch TV in my teens viewing the 3rd and 4th Doctors....most enjoyable. Regards. KEV.

  3. A delightful set! Just right to stir good memories and set one's imagination going.

    1. Hi ROSS - Yes, the Character Options Doctor WHO Figures are superb- unbeatable detail and finish- just excellent 5.5 inch Figures. Cheers. KEV.
