Sunday 31 March 2024


Hi...Today I regained my 4ft x 11ft Gaming Table in readiness for some future Wargames. I've ordered some GROUND ZERO GAMES 25mm 'Stargrunt' figures from England.

On their way from England will be 24 New Anglian Confederation (NAC) Marines.
I previously have had these figures and they paint up really well - very fond of them.

Also there will be 24 KraVak figures.
I haven't had the KraVak before and am well pleased with the designed Aliens.

The Plan is to eventually paint up the NAC and KraVak contingents, write some rules and have a Wargame here with my Friend GREG Mc.
I hope to do some Terrain and come up with some suitable Buildings for our games.

Well that is my news for Sunday.
Stay well my Friends. KEV.


  1. Kev,

    I do hope that this does not mean the demise of your excellent model railway. That said, I’m sure that whatever you do with it, it will continue to give you hours of fun alongside your wargaming.

    All the best.


    1. BOB,
      If I wanted to Game I had to clear the bench- all the model railway is packed away and the extension benches that were built are gone. I do not think I will ever return to model rail- at present focused on Sci-Fi Wargaming in 25mm and have ordered figures from Ground Zero in readiness. Regards. KEV.

  2. I had a similar thought to Bob....!

    1. KIETH,
      The model railway which lasted two months is now cleared from the benches and packed away- don't think I'll return to it- focused on Wargaming Sci-Fi in 25mm and eventual games with my Friend GREG Mc. Cheers. KEV.

  3. Hi Kev,
    a surprise change of direction for you, and one that I'll be interested to hear more about. I have a few models for some 1/72 sci-fi gaming, and one of the problems of adding to them is that "25mm" is such a variable size (while "28mm" is nearly twice as big).
    Good luck with it

    1. Dave- certainly a change in direction to have packed away the model railway. I'll be very much looking forward to receiving the 25mm GZG Marines and KraVak figures and having some Sci-Fi games with my Friend Greg Mc. KEV.
