Tuesday 2 April 2024

MINIATURE WARGAMING - Scratch Buildings.

 Hi....I had a busy day yesterday making some Buildings, Walls and Grav Tanks in 25mm.

                      Sci-Fi Small Village in 25mm.

I used Cardboard and MDF.

NAC Grav Tank in 25mm.

                                                                     KraVak Grav Tank in 25mm.

I had a good time scratch modelling - it is fun to make things out of simple raw materials.
Regards. KEV.


  1. Hi Kev, very effective scratch-built pieces.
    Do I spy margarine tubs as the basis for some of those buildings? I've got a stack of similar food containers waiting to be converted into my own sci-fi buildings.
    The grav tanks are very effective, but it's a shame that both sides should use such similar designs, just in different colours. Perhaps a shampoo bottle or similar could create a more alien style of hull?
    These are going to look great on the table. I'll be copying your use of unnecessary buttresses for my own models.
    All the best, Dave

  2. Thanks Dave - glad you like the Scratch Built Models. The problem with plastic containers for Vehicles is finding one that is suitably sized and shaped for the purpose- a good idea though. Cheers. KEV.
