Friday 28 June 2024

2nd Battle of WARHAMMER 40K.

 Hi...The battle was a win for the Space Marines with two units of Chaos Legion forced to retire after failing their morale. I've since made rule changes making it harder to Hit the targets - I'll test out the new rules during my next game.

Chaos Legion close the range on the Space Marines.

Overview of the Battle zone prior to starting the battle.

The Space Marine CAPTAIN.

The 4th Unit of Space Marines.

Ground view of proceedings.

Well that is my news for today.
Best wishes. KEV.


  1. Nice looking game with all your terrain put to good use Kev...I make that two nill to the Space Marines!

    1. Thanks KIETH- Yes, I'm very pleased with the Gothic ruined buildings- I've some more on order which will arrive here soon from England. Cheers. KEV.
