Sunday 30 June 2024

The 3rd Battle of WARHAMMER 40K.

 Hi...The Melee between the 4th Space Marine Unit and the Chaos Legion proved to be very interesting- early on the Chaos Lord slayed the Marine Captain which forced the Marine Unit to withdraw- then the Marine Terminator Lieutenant joined in to take on and defeat the Chaos Lord. The Chaos Unit having lost the unit's Leader and Chaos Lord fled outright. So ended the melee and battle.

The Melee begins.

With the Space Marine Captain slain - the Unit has fallen back.

Marine Terminator Lieutenant takes on the Chaos Lord.

The Melee continues.

The Chaos Lord has been slain by the Terminator Lieutenant.

The Chaos Legion Unit has fled leaving the Space Marines victorious.

The Space Marine Sergeant who lead his unit to victory.

I've decided to name my Space Marines the 'Blue Angel' chapter and the Chaos Legion 'Death Reapers'.

Well- that is my news for the 3rd Battle- very enjoyable.
Cheers. KEV.


  1. Glad your battles have been enjoyable and all your new pieces are living up to expectations!

  2. Now you've named them, you'll have to make up a colour scheme and insignia for them.
    Glad you're having fun with it
