Saturday, 8 March 2025

Some progress on my Model Railway.

 I've been making some buildings and such for my NEWNES Shale Oil Railway model.

The Water Crane is a PECO kit.

I'm still waiting on the delivery of the OO Rolling Stock and Figures.

Cheers. KEV.

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Notes on the 3F Jinty and NEWNES Model Railway.

 I chose the 3F Jinty 0-6-0T Hornby engine for my NEWNES Shale Oil Railway model.

The 3F will be re-painted engine Black and the rolling stock open wagons will be light grey as will the Guards Van- the tank wagons will be overall Black.

I could have chosen an M7 O-4-4T engine which is slightly bigger than the 3F engine.
At this stage I'm waiting on delivery of the engine and rolling stock as well as figures.

Best Wishes. KEV.

Sunday, 2 March 2025


I've ordered some model railway figures in OO scale from England.

My intention is to do a small railway project featuring models for NEWNES - NSW. Initially it will be display only later followed by a working track.
Just started- it'll take awhile for the figures to arrive from the UK.

Cheers. KEV.


Sunday, 23 February 2025

SCI-FI ..New Project underway.

 Hi...I'll be doing a small Sci-Fi Project using Ground Zero Games 25mm miniatures.

I'm very fond of these 25mm figures and I especially like the NAC (New Anglian Confederation) Startroopers. It will take some time for the project to eventuate as the figure order is coming form the UK.

All the best. KEV.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

COLONIAL- A Skirmish Game.

Hi...Set up a small game with the British Navy against the Indian Troops.

The British NAVY Contingent.

The Game set up.

The British Navy.

The Indian Troops.

The skirmish went quickly with the Indians failing their morale with 50% casualties.
It was a good game first up with a win to the British Navy.

All the best. KEV.

COLONIAL - New Figures Painted Today.

Hi...Have been busy today painting the British Navy Sailors and Officers as well as the Indian Troops.

The British Navy,

The Flag was printed from the Computer.

The British Navy Officers.

Close up of favorite Officers.

 You will see the Indian Troops when there is a future skirmish game.

Well- that is my news for today.
Best Wishes. KEV.


Wednesday, 12 February 2025

COLONIAL GAMING - Some Preparation.

Hi...I've made some Colonial Buildings for my 28mm project along with some Launches.

The Buildings and Launches.
I decided to make the buildings different to normal for 1860s.
The buildings are made from MDF, Cardboard and Dowl.

The British Naval figures as sculpted by the Perry brothers.
I've ordered enough figures both Navy and Indians for my project.

Well- all the best. Cheers. KEV.


Sunday, 9 February 2025

STAR WARS- An Early Morning Skirmish Game.

 Woke early for a Solo game. Yet another win for the Rebels against the Stormtroopers.

The Games Table setting.

Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers.

The Rebels led by Han Solo.

Stormtroopers close the range.
Chewy becomes a casualty.

The Melee.

Luke Skywalker defeats Darth Vader.
Stormtroopers pass morale test.

Stormtroopers down to 50% strength and loss of Leader fail Morale.

The victorious Rebels.

The game was very good, enjoyable and quick playing.

That is about it for early Monday morning, Best Wishes. KEV.

Thursday, 6 February 2025

STAR WARS - Back on track.

 Hi...After some time away from Star Wars I've returned to it preparing to add some more figures to the Rebels and Stormtroopers.

The Rebels led by Han Solo.

Just a short post tonight.
Cheers. KEV.

Friday, 24 January 2025

STAR WARS - 25mm Skirmish Game.

 This mornings game resulted in a win for the REBELS - towards the ending Darth Vader became a casualty which was a disaster for the STORMTROOPERS who failed their morale tests- then the Stormtroopers were obliged to withdraw two moves and so ended the skirmish.

The REBELS led by Han Solo.

The STORMTROOPERS led by Darth Vader.

Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper become casualties.
                                                              The victorious REBELS.

The skirmish went rather quickly as I randomize the hits and make saving rolls- Darth Vader was indeed unlucky.

That is my update for Saturday. Regards. KEV.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

STAR WARS - My Straight Forward- simple RULES.

Here are my STAR WARS Rules -very easy to use and especially to play Solo.
They are written as if Donald Featherstone had done a set of Star Wars rules.
I had a Sci-Fi set of rules that I had written ages ago and it was easy enough to convert them for Star Wars.

The REBELS - led by Han Solo.

Well folks that is my news for today- Cheers. KEV.



I tried to put a copy of my Star Wars Rules onto this posting- without any success. My rules are very straight forward and I'd say they are in the style of what Donald Featherstone would write. I'm very happy with the rules and there is little need for further improvements as I have had three very successful solo games with them and found them very good.

 That is my news for today- I'll have another go at getting my rules onto a posting.   Cheers. KEV.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

STAR WARS- 3rd Skirmish Game.

 The third skirmish game proved to be another win for the Rebels against the Stormtroopers.

The REBELS led by Han Solo.
The figure of C3PO took 47 days to arrive from the US.

The STORMTROOPERS led by Darth Vader.

Overview of the Skirmish Game.

Well- that is about it for this Sunday.
Cheers. KEV.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025


 The American Postal Service is pathetic. I've been waiting 45 days for a single figure from the US to arrive- nothing has shown up. Also my order for three little Star Wars Figures will take 5 weeks to arrive from the US - 5 weeks! I have received orders from England and they have taken only 10 days. I've gone right off America - I use to think they were good at everything - though their Postal Service? Nah!

I've been waiting 45 days for C3PO from the US.

Well that is about it for this update.
Regards. KEV.

Friday, 10 January 2025

STAR WARS- Figures on Order.

Hi...I've three figures on order from the US -  C3PO, Luke Skywalker and a Droid. When these figures have been painted up I will have about 30 figures aside for the Rebels and also the Stormtroopers.

Rebel Troops with Han Solo and Chewy.

The three figures on order from the US.
My STAR WARS Project is really going well- and I'm very much looking forward to the future games.

That is about it for Friday night. Best Wishes. KEV.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

STAR WARS Game at Gregs.

 Hi...This morning we had a game at Gregs using his pre-painted figures that were bought back in 2008. I took the part of Rebels and Greg was the dreaded Stormtroopers.

Stormtroopers in position.

Stormtroopers taking cover around a building.

The second Rebel Unit.

Overview of Skirmish.

The first Rebel Unit.

The Rebels won the skirmish outright.

Hope to have some more games in the future.

Cheers. KEV.

Friday, 3 January 2025

A Little Trial SKIRMISH.

Hi...I decided to have a small Skirmish game with my STAR WARS Stormtroopers and Rebels.

Included is Han Solo, Chewy and two Leaders.

Included is one Leader and two troopers with Heavy Blasters.

First casualties on Rebels.

First casualties on Stormtroopers.

Rebels move towards Stormtroopers.

Melee of the Stormtroopers and Rebels.

COMBAT - Han Solo and Chewy against the Stormtrooper Leader.
At this stage the Rebels have won the Skirmish.

My game proved it is possible to have an entertaining game with as little as 10 troops aside.

Looking forward to more STAR WARS games later on.

Best Wishes. KEV.