Monday, 24 March 2025

Jim HEDIGER's Ohio Southern HO Scale Layout.

When I purchased the July 1978 issue of Model Railroader I was instantly impressed by Jim Hediger's OHIO SOUTHERN layout. I like everything about Jim's layout - I like the idea of a point to point model where trains have a final destination- it really works on large layouts. I certainly liked the colorful DT&I engines and rolling stock - as well Jim's use of HO Preisier miniature figures to tell the story really it is marvelous- I hope to do the same, only I'll be using NOCH workman figures.

 The July 1978 issue of Model Railroader.

I always have thought if ever I built a large scale layout I'd certainly model it on similar lines to Jim's OHIO SOUTHERN. However the decades have past and I have not aspired to building a proper HO layout- lack of space for the model and lack of funds conspired to prevent me from starting out. I have however throughout the years purchased engines and rolling stock - never getting any further.

Part of Jim's earlier Ohio Southern Layouts showing a DT&I Freight Train.
I really like the GP diesel and caboose.

Jim Hediger (RIP July 2023).
Jim is credited with building the first HO Double Deck layout.

Well Friends that is my update.
Best Wishes. KEV.


1 comment:

  1. I prefer the old issues of MR. I used to subscribe for some years, but the later issues was only showing 'big empires layouts', built to very high standards. That why I prefer the older issues as they described more common and manageable layouts.
