Sunday, 23 March 2025


 Hi...Well the model Railroad bug has visited me once again- I've decided to order a US GP7 Santa Fe model as well as a SF Caboose and some HO NOCH Worker figures.

                                                                                                                                   The GP7 by ATLAS in HO scale.

The Santa Fe Caboose.

NOCH - Worker Figures.

Initially I'll only be trying to set up a small display with the GP7 - later I may decide to build a Layout as funds allow for the purchase of Track and Transformer.

All the Best. KEV.


  1. I have always been fascinated with model trains. When I was a girl my nephews (my oldest brother was 20 years my senior so I grew up playing with my nephews) had model trains and I loved playing with them and building structures for them with their Lincoln logs. I can see the excitement of having a spot to set up a train or two or three trains and building a village and countryside around them. Have fun my friend!

    1. Thankyou Connie- It has been awhile since your last post - I hope you are well and enjoying things to the full. The Railroad Model will be fun. Best Wishes. KEV. (Australia).

  2. Model railways and wargames; Tje best of two worlds and 2 really great hobbies which can be combined.
    I like American trains as they're very colorful, but I'm mostly into Norwegian trains, or military trains.

    1. Hi ROGER- Yes, certainly like the idea of building a HO model railroad - it has taken ages to reach this stage as now I do have some space for the Layout and I can supply myself with the necessary funds to build it. Regards. KEV.
