This mornings game resulted in a win for the REBELS - towards the ending Darth Vader became a casualty which was a disaster for the STORMTROOPERS who failed their morale tests- then the Stormtroopers were obliged to withdraw two moves and so ended the skirmish.
Friday, 24 January 2025
STAR WARS - 25mm Skirmish Game.
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
STAR WARS - My Straight Forward- simple RULES.
That is my news for today- I'll have another go at getting my rules onto a posting. Cheers. KEV.
Saturday, 18 January 2025
STAR WARS- 3rd Skirmish Game.
The third skirmish game proved to be another win for the Rebels against the Stormtroopers.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025
The American Postal Service is pathetic. I've been waiting 45 days for a single figure from the US to arrive- nothing has shown up. Also my order for three little Star Wars Figures will take 5 weeks to arrive from the US - 5 weeks! I have received orders from England and they have taken only 10 days. I've gone right off America - I use to think they were good at everything - though their Postal Service? Nah!
Friday, 10 January 2025
STAR WARS- Figures on Order.
Hi...I've three figures on order from the US - C3PO, Luke Skywalker and a Droid. When these figures have been painted up I will have about 30 figures aside for the Rebels and also the Stormtroopers.
That is about it for Friday night. Best Wishes. KEV.
Tuesday, 7 January 2025
STAR WARS Game at Gregs.
Hi...This morning we had a game at Gregs using his pre-painted figures that were bought back in 2008. I took the part of Rebels and Greg was the dreaded Stormtroopers.
Friday, 3 January 2025
A Little Trial SKIRMISH.
Hi...I decided to have a small Skirmish game with my STAR WARS Stormtroopers and Rebels.