Friday, 10 January 2025

STAR WARS- Figures on Order.

Hi...I've three figures on order from the US -  C3PO, Luke Skywalker and a Droid. When these figures have been painted up I will have about 30 figures aside for the Rebels and also the Stormtroopers.

Rebel Troops with Han Solo and Chewy.

The three figures on order from the US.
My STAR WARS Project is really going well- and I'm very much looking forward to the future games.

That is about it for Friday night. Best Wishes. KEV.


  1. The Rebel forces are progressing well. When you get the additional characters you will have a sizeable force for more skirmish games.

    1. PETER- I'm confident that thirty figures aside will be sufficient for some really good games- my figures have been coming from the US and it tends to take a long while for anything to arrive- so much so that it is rather annoying. Have a good week. KEV.
