Monday 9 September 2024

HEALTH Update on KEV.

 Hi...I'm well- 68yrs, contented and happy. However, I use to weigh 98kg... and when I had my quadruple heart bypass back in 2020 I weighed 72kg- now in 2024 I weigh just 53kg. I've lost a lot of muscle mass in my legs and arms. I don't walk very well and am very unsteady on my feet- very slow and down to shuffling along...I usually choose to walk on flat areas if I can. We've had wooden and concrete ramps built at the back door and backyard pathways - we're having metal railings added to the front door area and the ramp areas in the back yard. Also we now have a toilet seat with handles to make it easier getting on and off the toilet.  I cannot lift anything heavy and bending down is also a problem. Otherwise I'm going OK.

Having mentioned my problems with Mobility - thankfully I still have my Hobby and can still enjoy painting miniature figures and making models- which is a blessing.

Stay well my Friends. Cheers. KEV.


  1. Kev,

    Sorry to read about your current health problems. I hope that you retain whatever mobility you have and are able to regain more as time goes on. If you aren’t already getting assistance from your doctor and/or a physiotherapist. I hope that you will do so soon. My therapist has done wonders for me and now has me walking with a frame and practicing walking with a pair of crutches.

    All the best,


    1. BOB,
      Thank you for the encouragement. I'll soon have my appointment with the Physio here at home- we'll see what can be done. So far I'm doing OK and it looks as though I shouldn't deteriorate any further regarding mobility. I'm very happy that I can occupy myself with my Hobby. Glad your practicing walking with the crutches. Best Wishes. KEV.

  2. Take care of yourself, Kev. As we get older it's surprisingly easy to do damage that can't be repaired. Stay positive and enjoy your hobby. And do keep sharing with the rest of us.

    1. Thanks DAVE. My mobility problem is something that crept up on me - and it is really this year that I've felt it more. Yes, my wargaming hobby keeps me going and certainly entertained- it is all most enjoyable. Cheers. KEV.

  3. I'm sorry you are having health issues Kev. It seems to come to most of us as we grow older.
    My son, the one I live with, is also into tabletop wargaming. He enjoys using his 3-D printer to create models and then painting them, as well as attending different games (although not as many as he used to, owing to work committments). It is a fascinating hobby, and I hope you manage to keep 'collecting' for many years to come yet.

    1. Thanks MARGARET. It is good to know that your Son does Tabletop Wargaming and is enjoying his 3D Printing and painting....yes, certainly a good hobby to have - always something to do- most enjoyable. Regards. KEV.

  4. KEV -
    Keep on keeping on, mate. Take care, and keep yourself occupied (I should be taking my own counsel!).

    1. Thanks ION. Yes, there is a few years left in me yet. Certainly my Hobby keeps me occupied - presently awaiting 15mm figures from the USA- hope the package arrives soon then I can get into some enjoyable figure painting. Cheers. KEV.

  5. I'm sorry you are dealing with these mobility issues. Sounds like you have some good plans in place to stay safe though.

    1. Thanks MARI. We are having metal railings installed which should help my movement in and around the house. My Tabletop Wargaming Hobby is going well and always keeps me busy. Best Wishes. KEV.

  6. Hopefully things stabilize and the improve a bit Kev....good luck with the physio. A mate of mines father is Australian and living over there with a disability after head trauma many years ago....he seems to get a lot of assistance from the government/ health system

    1. Thanks KIETH. Yes, our Health System is very good at looking after people with disabilities. At present I'm awaiting my 15mm figures from the Armchair General (US)....certainly looking forward to painting up the 1889 Americans and Spanish troops- it'll be very enjoyable. Cheers. KEV.
