Friday 13 September 2024

Figures ORDER on the way from the USA.

 My 15mm Moro War 1889 figures were posted four days ago -which means I should receive the order in about eight days time. I'm really looking forward to painting up the figures - the paints and brushes are ready and I will begin the painting with the American troops.

US Gatling Gun.

Best Wishes. KEV.


  1. Interested that you have decided to game the Moro War rather than the Spanish American War that led to the Philippines becoming almost a colony of the USA. Have you seen The Real Glory, a 1939 film starring Gary Cooper, set in the Moro War? I saw it on UK television once years ago.
    Good luck with your project!

    1. Arthur- I didn't know that the Moro war was different to the Spanish-American...I thought it was all one and the same thing. No- I haven't seen the movie. Certainly looking forward to getting the project under way. Cheers. KEV.

    2. Kev, the Moro War - or Moro Rebellion - 1902-1913 was resistance by the Muslim inhabitants of Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago to the American takeover of the Philippines after the Spanish-American War. 'Moro' is the Spanish word for Moor.
      That area had never been fully conquered by the Spanish, nor Christianised as was the rest of the Philippines under Spanish rule. There is still tension and occasional violence between Mindanao rebels and the Philippine government and military, rather like the Troubles in Ireland years ago. My wife is a Filipina from Luzon; when we travelled on long distance buses from Baguio in the 1990s there were on board movies about the Philippine Army fighting Muslim guerrillas in Mindanao. If you research the Moro Rebellion online you will find it was a quite different type of conflict from the Spanish-American War.
      BTW, did you know the yo-yo (meaning 'come-come') was originally a weapon used by Filipino hunters?

    3. Arthur- Thank you for the comprehensive information- looks like I'll have to do the Spanish-American War of 1889 and forget about the Moro War altogether- pity as I've bought some 40 Moro figures. Cheers. KEV.

    4. Kev, you can watch The Real Glory on YouTube. The plot: In 1906 the American army pulls out of Mindanao leaving a handful of officers to try and get the Philippines Constabulary into shape to protect the native population from ruthless invaders. By reputation and by their exploits the fearless zealots initially strike terror into the local militia but the doctor on the post starts to finds ways to combat this.
      I'm sure you could use your Moro warriors in a skirmish game of this scenario.

  2. Look forward to seeing the figures arrive and you getting them painted and on the table, Kev!

    1. KIETH- Hopefully by the end of next week I'll have some figures to paint. I'm really looking forward to it- bought some more paint through the week for the Americans- mostly TAMIYA paint. Cheers. KEV.

  3. Kev,

    I think that the Moros expected to get independence when the US beat Spain during the Spanish-American War but ended up with new colonial masters … although the US always denied that they ever treated the Philippines as a colony.

    Cuban and Puerto Rico also passed under US control, but for some reason they held onto the latter whilst assisting the former to become an independent nation. There has been a suggestion that Puerto Rico might one day become the 51st State of the USA, but Washington seems to be reluctant to go down that route … which makes an interesting comparison with the fact that Hawaii did achieve Statehood as the 50th State … hence the expression ‘Hawaii Five-O’.

    All the best,


    1. BOB- Thank you for the information- certainly makes things clearer. Cheers. KEV.
