Tuesday, 28 January 2025

HO Model Railroad- MR Magazine from 1978.

 I've certainly enjoyed re-reading the July 1978 magazine- Model Railroading- with Jim Hediger's article on his Ohio Southern HO Layout. The layout is inspirational and I've always thought if ever I build a large layout I'd certainly model it on Jim's Ohio Southern. 


I've been waiting three weeks for my GP7 model engine to be delivered from the US- unreal amount of wasted time waiting. I intend not to make any future purchases from the US- just cannot stand waiting so long for things to arrive here.

Bye for now. Regards. KEV.


  1. I used to subscribe on MR, but actually preferred the articles and layouts in older copies, as they was more oriented on what "every one" can make. Later number was more 'polished' with professionally built layouts and later on it seems like they used the same articles all over again.

    1. ROGER- Yes, the older articles in MR certainly do appeal with good information. Jim Hediger's 1978 OHIO SOUTHERN was built using the basic items that are available to everyone- as he states " nothing special about the layout".
