Saturday 6 April 2024

GRAV TANK Battle in 25mm.

 Hi....I've had two Grav Tank Battles in 25mm- in the first game it was the KraVak Tank which was knocked out by the NAC Tank. In the second game the NAC Tank was taken out by the KraVak Tank.

The NAC Grav Tank.

The two Grav Tanks face each other in battle.

The KraVak Grav Tank.

The NAC Grav Tank keeps up the successful firing.

The KraVak Tank brews up- defeated,

The rules are straight forward. On a D12 Dice a score of 9+ is needed to score a Hit - each Tank fires 3 times per turn. Armor Saving needs a 9+ to negate a Hit. The Tanks can take up to 6 Hits damage.
Battles usually last five to six turns.

Well pleased with the Grav Tanks and my simple rules for battle.
Cheers. KEV.


  1. KEV -
    I do like this project - especially those GravTanks!

    1. Hi Ion- Pleased you like my Sci-Fi Project and the Grav Tanks. I needed to come up with simple designs for the Grav Tanks - easy to build from cardboard. Cheers. KEV.
